泉州水なす・水なす漬の北野農園 北野農園の感謝メッセージ


農林水産省主催 伝統野菜PRイベントが海外メディア向けに開催されました。


Foreign Correspondents’ Club, Kitanofarm will speech about Osaka Sensyu mizunasu eggplants.



Naniwa Indigenous Vegetable No. 1

Senshu Mizunasu eggplant

Season: March ∼ August

An indigenous vegetable grown in the Senshu Region of Osaka

Osaka-fu, Japan

Senshu, located in the lagoon city of Osaka, is a flat region nestled between Katsuragi Mountains and Osaka Bay, blessed with numerous water resources in the forms of ponds, lakes and rivers. One reservoir in particular is the oldest in Japan with more than 1,000 years of history. Its geographical formation is also unique, with two large rivers in the Kansai Region flowing through the four prefectures of Nara, Shiga, Kyoto and Osaka. Senshu Mizunasu eggplant, our proud indigenous vegetable is indeed a product cultivated by Osaka’s abundant water resources and temperate climate, as growing Senshu Mizunasu requires plenty of water.

Senshu Mizunasu, a local indigenous vegetable cultivated in Senshu originated first in Kaizuka, Osaka.

Senshu covers five cities of Osaka Prefecture; Sakai, Izumi, Kishiwada, Kaizuka and Izumisano.

Mizunasu is commonly eaten raw. It can be added to salad, or made into pickles by salting and placing in rice-bran paste for 2 to 7 days. Pickled Mizunasu, fresh and juicy with a hint of sweetness, is a delicacy in itself. Osaka citizens enjoy it so much that it’s rare to find it left off the menu at any restaurants or Izakaya pubs you visit.

Definitely try Senshu Mizunasu if visiting Japan when it’s in season.

Jako- gouko, another recommended Senshu Mizunasu dish, is made by stewing the eggplant which has been pickled in rice-bran paste for more than half a year, adding fresh Jako shrimp, soy sauce and cooking rice-wine to the mix. With this local Senshu cuisine, you don’t need any other dishes, a bowl of Jako-gouko and steaming hot rice are plenty!

Recent attention has been also been drawn to Mizunasu’s beauty essence used in cosmetic products.

Relish Senshu Mizunasu eggplants.



日本大阪 大阪传统蔬菜 泉州水茄子。

被誉为水之都的大阪、贯穿于葛城山脉和大阪湾之间,渐宽的平原上怀抱着诸多水塘河川,是水资源非常丰富的城市!其中包括有1000年历史之久的、日本最古老的水塘,且拥有从奈良县、滋贺县、京都府相继流向大阪湾的两条大河!生长季节需要大量水源的“泉州茄子”可谓是大阪所独有的水资源和温暖气候所赋予的自然结晶!水茄子生长在大阪泉州地区。是起源于大阪府贝冢市的传统蔬菜!                      所谓泉州,是包含了大阪府下属(堺市、和泉市、岸和田市、贝冢市、泉佐野市)的综合名称。水茄子,因为可以生吃而非常有名气!生的状态可以直接做成蔬菜沙拉。揉入少量的盐、在米糠酱中腌制2-7天时间,即刻变身为米糠酱菜!拥有泉州水茄子独特的微甜口感和绝妙的水灵度,二者巧妙融合在一起,也只有大阪的泉州水茄子才会给您带来如此美妙的味蕾享受!水茄子的腌制品在大阪极受欢迎!甚至在西餐厅以及小酒馆等菜牌上都有它美丽的身影!如果您恰逢“泉州水茄子”的季节有幸来到日本,无论如何也请品尝一次!此外、在北野农场也另有推荐其他美味的制作方法。很久以前的日本家庭都有腌制食品用的米糠酱,将水茄子放入酱中腌制长达半年以上,将在大阪湾新鲜打捞上岸的虾蛄(俗称虾爬子)用酱油和甜料酒炖制,而后两者巧妙结合(……..)只要有米饭和(……)将别无他求!此组合也是大阪泉州地区的家乡名菜!                现如今,水茄子的提取精华被广泛应用于化妆品行业,它的美容功效也被高度关注!       这就是在日本备受青睐的【泉州水茄子】请您务必品尝!      北野农场


